Chapter 200 A Chance To Be Together

Hu Xianxu was still looking at the severe conversation among the Jiang Family. He felt very unhappy with the old lady's proposal. It wasn't something good for him if Aaron Liu was going to live in her lover's apartment.

"It seems inappropriate for Aaron to live with Jiang Lily. Soon the two of them will be divorced," Hu Xianxu quipped doubtfully. He was sure that his words would cause new problems in their relationship.

"Who are you to say that, Young man? Aaron certainly deserves to stay with his rightful wife!" snapped Grandma Jiang in response to the words of a man who had taken advantage of her granddaughter.

"Sorry, Grandma. I didn't mean it that way. After all... Aaron can live with a doctor and a nurse to monitor his condition. Jiang Lily won't understand about his injuries either." Hu Xianxu tried to convince Grandma Jiang that it wasn't right for Aaron Liu to stay with his wife. Moreover, the two of them would soon be separated.