Chapter 291 Break His Head!

Aaron Liu and Lee Hana are talking about the interior design of the building. They will be buying some furniture for the new office and fashion store. There would be many things they needed to prepare before all the finished goods would be brought to the location.

However, it had only been a few moments that they had been talking about a very serious matter; suddenly, several people came and immediately barged into the building.

Aaron Liu and Lee Hana, who were around the lobby, were quite surprised. They immediately put down all their work and saw who had come there.

"You again! Are you still unsatisfied with getting punches and retaliation from me?" Aaron Liu snapped at a man who had also confronted him earlier.

"I came for revenge for sure, Aaron Liu! Do you think I'm going to stay quiet after you finish off all my subordinates?" said the man who called himself 'Blackie'.