Chapter 295 The Fiture Behind Miranda

Johnny Liu had just discovered critical information about the person behind Miranda Choi. That person was a famous designer with a good relationship with his company.

No one knew that Liu Cosmetic belonged to the Liu Family. A European man had run the company. He was Eryk Rocco, a famous businessman who controlled the Liu Family's European business. He is Johnny Liu's confidant.

"Call Eryk, Ma! He knows the designer very well. If I'm not mistaken, his name is Luis Benito," Johnny Liu told his wife.

"Should I call Eryk?" Jenny Liu thought the matter was a little dangerous. She didn't want to make a wrong move and get them into trouble.

"I could have contacted him by now. Unfortunately, Eryk is more comfortable chatting with Mama. That's what he said a while ago." Johnny Liu asked what had happened. It was just a normal business relationship. There wasn't anything wrong that they were hiding behind.