Chapter 305 Grandma Jiang's Refusal

Aaron Liu could already guess that Jiang Lily was misunderstanding him. He had no intention of hiding anything from his wife.

"Understand me, Lily; I'm still not too sure about it myself. Once Detective Yang investigates, I'll tell you everything." That was Aaron Liu's answer to persuade his wife not to think anything. Fortunately, Jiang Lily didn't want to prolong the matter.

"Alright. You better take a shower and then eat. I'll accompany you later. Mama and grandma already ate earlier," Jiang Lily told her husband.

Although she was curious, Jiang Lily didn't want to pressure her husband too much. She would wait patiently for an explanation from her husband.

After a while, Aaron Liu didn't come out; Grandma Jiang went into the room first. That left Jiang Lily sitting alone in the dining room waiting for her husband.