secret usually hidden in depth of heart.

sira took out rope from her ring which she has buy when she used to do mission now this rope is coming handy now she tied the robe around the 8th pillar and the other edge of rope at her arrow she take a deep breath before aiming at the 9th pillar then she release the arrow.

the arrow hit the pillar she look down and gulp then she slowly grab the rope and hug it she open her eyes after she was sure she didn't fall down then start moving forward like a sloth moving on the tree while grabbing the branch with there giant claw she was also move like that.

when she reach the 9th pillar her hand has a cut from the rough rope she take out a pill after crushing it she sprinkle the powder in her hand soon the pain lessened and cut also healed she get up and look at the last pillar she summon her arrow back back and aim at the last pillar when the arrow hit the pillar she also start moving.

she didn't even dare to breath out loud scared to fall down when she reach the last pillar she was very happy she keep her arrow and the rope in her ring and jump on the land thers is not distance between the land and the pillar only height difference the pillar was down then the land she jump and somehow manage to climb up.

when her feet touch the ground she was very happy she really wish that she could find a place from were she can leave this temple she look at the shining city infront of her and walk inside it soon the ground under feet disappear only gold can be seen even the path is layed by gold bricks.

this place is worth to call golden City everything is made of gold every single stone, brick even the dust is of gold she look around the whole city but the city is totally empty even after searching for an hour she didn't find any way to go out which make her frustrated.

"ohh god I'm going to trapped inside in this place forever" sira seat down on the golden road with dejected look on her face pearl look at her sad face then she look around and find a giant alter in the middle of the city sira follow pearl and reach the stairs she slowly walk up stairs.

but a very powerful pressure descend on her shoulder every step make it hard for her to climb thief's are total thousand stairs but she got tired on six hundred stairs she rest for sometime and again climb after climbing every hundred stairs she stop to rest for sometime by the time theirs only ten step left she was so tired that she can't even lift her finger.

the pressure was very heavy making it impossible for her to move forward but she also know that on the alter there seem to be hope so she didn't stop and moreover only ten step are left she mutter some courage inside her and climb slowly when she reach on the top of alters she was totally covered in sweat as soon as she reach the alter the pressure suddenly vanish.

she lay on the alter for few minutes before getting up the alter was surroubd with four pillars where lot of painting were curved a giant fox can be seen curved on every pillar along with that fox there's a serpent the first pillar show how fox's worship only one fox the king of all foxes.

the second pillar show the fox rulling the whole golden City along with serpent the snake look like the fox partner which is quite surprising usually foxes are not friend with snakes more to think them being partner if the fox heard her saying that the snake is her partner she must has vomit blood in anger.

on the third pillar the serpent turn against the fox and a war broke out which lead the destruction of this dream world one can imagine how much powerful the fight must has been she can only imagine about the war the last pillar show how fox defeat the serpent and send all the foxes away from this place but their seem to be something missing.

sira frown and look at the stool in the middle of the alter when she walk toward the stool there's was bowl on the stool made of gold the bowl was filled with water when she look in the water there was few word curved at the bottom of the bowl.








"she did it she found the gold city along with the message oh my god" the demoness look at the seen with happy grin on her face the globin has unhappy look on his face when the demoness saw it she couldn't help but ask him.

"why are not you happy ugly creature" the globin point at the image of serpent and spoke "what made this girl to think that the serpent was the partner of the fox" the demoness face fall as she hit her thigh.

"right what made her think that the serpent was the fox partner from which angle of look like my taste is that bad to choose a partner like him" globin nodded his head "yes your taste is quite bad to choose that pretty boy without any skill" globin slowly turn around to look at her demoness who has awkward smile on her face.

"hahahah sometimes your brain stop working are you still blaming me for everything that happen back then" globen refuse to look at her when the demoness saw this she roll her eyes "ugly creature don't you think I has given you lot of freedom for past few days that you are now turning your back against me huh"

the globin gulp for the past few days the demoness has been easy to talk that he has forget about her ruthlessness "I need to water those tree I will take my leave first" with that he run away without looking back the demoness glare at his running figure then at the confuse face of sira who still has not realise the meaning of those words.