Dark Spirit


A reverberating sound suddenly stopped all the students from praying using their Oardic Prayer Stones.


"W-what was that?"

"I was almost there... Who interrupted?"

"Tsk... I almost pissed my pants."

The class started complaining after being interrupted.

Professor Stella Harwin simply clapped her hands to create a sound attack enough to disrupt everyone from what they were doing…

Stella ignored the students and looked at her assistants.

"Calm down. Stacy, Cliff… Both of you should step back." Stella warned the two as she also informed everyone else who might get scared of the Dark Spirit.

All the students in the class were truly shocked and disgruntled by the professor's sudden action. This includes Vale who was still stunned by the reply of the mysterious beings from the Spirit World…

He may not have heard their voices but their reply was obvious. They had sent a spirit to him just like that!