
"Anyone had an idea about the Second Spell?" Professor Morton asked the class.

A few of them immediately raised their hands after hearing the question.

He gestured to the one sitting in front since he probably can't remember his name.

It was Roswell Curtis and one of the average students in the class.

"It's called Light Absorption, Professor."

"Correct… What about the third Primary Dark Spell?" Professor Morton asked once more and this time, he gestured for Lisa to answer.

"It's a Dark Summoning Ability called the Shadow Soldier…" Lisa answered promptly although she was surprised after being called. She did not raise her hand after all.

Professor Morton nodded as he continued to ask questions.

"It hasn't been taught in class yet, but tell me anything you know about the Light Absorption, Leonore…"

It was his first time calling someone's name so she must've left some impression on him.