
Plenty of things happened after the battle.

First, Larkin was investigated after bringing in a Holy-Attributed Mystical Item inside the Dark Arts Academy.

Although there is no prohibition of that inside the Academy, Larkin would have to prove that he wasn't a spy sent here or that he has no connection with the Order of the Untainted Sentinels that had previously attacked the Academy…

Furthermore, Larkin will be investigated if he has a connection with the secret organization that has infiltrated the Academy searching for a mysterious pocketwatch.

There was also a rumor of him being expelled from the Academy due to his behavioral problems… This shocked many students in the higher years since they know that Larkin has a connection to the previous Headmaster of the Academy.

He's also one of the best students who can represent their Academy in this year's Twelve Academy Competitions.

Larkin had truly made a mistake this time.