Exchange Hall

This unusual reaction stunned Vale momentarily since he had never seen Yvaine react like this.

Although some exceptional practitioners could detect her presence, she had never shown any reaction from them at all. She remained unperturbed and would only speak or show any response if Vale was talking to her.

However, in front of this blind woman, the Dark Spirit appears greatly unsettled and planning to escape!

"Oh… Your Dark Spirt doesn't like my presence. Wait, let me fix that..." The blind woman spoke behind the counter as she took out an item in her drawer.

It seems this isn't the first time this has happened, as she instantly realized why Yvaine was acting like that.

Clink. Clink. Clink…

"Hmm?" Vale was surprised at the item that she just took out.

It is a silver handcuff with a long chain binding them together. The long binding chains were probably on purpose, so it wasn't affecting her hand movements.