Another One

Charles and the Thunder Emperor watched as Jean's body shattered into glass, falling to the ground.


They gasped in shock, realizing that it was a trap. They knew that no human dies like that! It must be a Spell or Technique that they weren't aware of.


Charles grunted as he knew that Jean was still alive and hiding somewhere. They looked around, trying to find him as they spread out their Magic Zone to sense any fluctuation of energy around them.

Then, they sensed his dark energy, but they couldn't accurately pinpoint his location.

Headmaster Jean was using a Dark Spell to conceal himself, and most likely, he was waiting for the right moment to strike. 

'If you're going to play like this, then so be it!'

The two decided to stick together and cover each other's backs. They already knew that Jean was more powerful than them and that they had to work as a team to defeat him.