
"Ah…" Vale was stunned after hearing the question.

Since the Professor asked, he probably heard that he had previously filled the 30-Strand Spirit Converging Crystal during their assessments in their third year.

This question also attracted his classmates... They looked at Vale curiously, causing a momentary silence to envelop the room.

"I haven't checked my Spirit Strands as well, Professor… Since I don't have a Spirit Converging Crystal that can record above 30 Strands."

That was a lie. However, he didn't want to appear presumptuous by simply stating the number of his Spirit Strands. Instead, he decided to let his actions speak for themselves.

Professor Ludwig nodded at this as he gestured for Vale to continue holding the Crystal.

Perhaps because the Crystal's quality was high, it only took three minutes or so before the 45 Strands appeared on the Crystal.