Sword Technique

After more than 6 minutes of battle, Carlston summoned all his strength and unleashed a devastating blow with his Bone Spear.

This Bone Spear was one of the Branch-Exclusive Spells that he learned in the Necromancy Branch alongside Corpse Explosion and Corpse Animation.

At the moment, it had already reached the early stage of the Intermediate Realm!


With a resounding crack, one of the Savage Golems stumbled under the force of the attack… Its left knee joint was crushed! It was almost reduced to a pile of rubble under its own weight.

Nevertheless, Carlston did a quick work on it by letting his remaining Ghoul tear it apart.

The remaining golem, now outnumbered and weakened, faced the relentless onslaught of the Flesh Ghouls and Storm Wraiths.

In a final coordinated assault, the combined forces of Carlston and his summoned allies overwhelmed the remaining golem.