
Ceres, triumphant but compassionate, approached her defeated opponent to cast a Rejuvenation Spell and ensure Anya returned to normal.

After this, the medical practitioners quickly checked Anya's condition and brought her to the infirmary…

The second round of the duel tournament would continue after a 15-minute break to ensure that all the contestants had rested enough and received treatment for their injuries.

It didn't take that long before the event continued as the second-round matchup was announced. Once again, the matchup was through a random selection, which was participated by the students.

Ceres from Holy Arts Academy versus Avery from Summoning Arts Academy.

Iris from Rune Arts Academy versus Geraldine from Knights Academy.

Vale from Dark Arts Academy versus Susan from Elemental Arts Academy.

'So they didn't want me to match up with the Third Princess in the end…' Vale thought after hearing the announcement.