
"A paladin?" Vale muttered as he realized Ceres had most likely taken the Paladin's path. It was very different from the Holy Knight's path and Divine Sorcer's path, which mostly ended in the Church or Nobilities...

The Paladin would most likely be accepted in the Order of the Untainted Sentinels like Clare and Teresa. Furthermore, since she was also a princess, choosing this path seemed to be a perfect decision.


The clash of two different Arcane Energies reverberated throughout the coliseum.

The crowd held its breath, captivated by the display of skill of the two students. They all watched with admiration and respect, recognizing both combatants' remarkable talent and resilience.

Even if one of them was defeated now, they would certainly not underestimate them.

In a pivotal moment, Ceres launched a devastating blast of radiant light toward Avery, who deftly evaded the attack.