
Vale felt that he lost some points from the Fairy after learning about the Dark Spirit in his shadow.

Nevertheless, he didn't immediately give up and asked the Fairy to join him.

The Fairy didn't immediately answer and tilted her head, studying Vale intently. He felt a bit uncomfortable being stared at by the little being, but he remained calm and waited for the Fairy to speak.

After a moment, she finally smiled and nodded. "Your heart is pure, and your intentions genuine. I shall lend you my aid, mortal. But remember, our pact is built on respect and harmony… Make sure to protect the Grimoire and feed it with otherworldly essence so I can also get stronger…" 

Vale's heart swelled with joy as he heard the Fairy's response.

"Of course! I will protect the Grimoire, but what about the otherworldly essence?" Vale asked.