The Missing Path

Vale's eyes widened as he didn't expect the involvement of the Abyss Realm… However, now that he thinks about it, the Spirit Realm was also having a headache about this Abyss Realm trying to invade them.

Seeing Vale's reaction, Sterling smiled and continued.

"You don't have to be shocked. It is a realm of great peril and mystery… I'm not aware of the reason they invaded that Realm, but the Immortals sought answers and power beyond mortal comprehension. Alas, their fate remains unknown."

Vale nodded at this and asked more questions about the Celestials.

One thing that the old man confirmed was that the Arcane Arts was already here before the appearance of the Celestials. At most, these Celestials assisted their ancestors in dividing the Arcane Arts into twelve different paths in order to lower the standards needed to become an Arcanist.