Auction ( Part 2 )

The Auction House was buzzing with people from various organizations and nobilities, all wearing masks that covered half of their faces to conceal their identities, just like Clare and Teresa.

As the clock struck 6 in the evening, the event began.

A woman with white and fair skin, dressed in a stunning red gown, emerged on the stage. She exuded an undeniable allure, but the atmosphere in the Auction House turned grave as all eyes were fixed on her.

A few individuals immediately realized the identity of the woman, and some of them were alarmed.

"Isn't that Rosella? The Fourth Guardian of the Psychic Arts Faction? What is she doing here?" someone whispered.

"That's right... A Mind Controller managing the Auction? Isn't that too dangerous?" another person voiced their concern which was heard by others who didn't recognize her.

As soon as everyone learned about her identity, many more people started getting worried.