
The black gas was thick and toxic.

It filled the air with a foul and suffocating smell.

"Wind Elementalists! Runecasters! Hurry and push the gas away!" Roland suddenly shouted.

Cough! Cough! Cough!

The black gas burned their eyes and lungs. It made them cough and choke. It was a deadly weapon, and they had to do something about it. Their Arcane Energy and Magic Zone wouldn't be able to help them with this type of danger.

The panicking Arcanists reacted quickly as soon as they realized the danger. Some of them cast some spells to escape from the gas.

"Follow me!" Roland shouted as he realized that the Spells of the Elementalists weren't doing anything. The toxic gas wasn't stopping at all.

They ran towards the stairs, hoping to find a way out. They used their barrier-type spells to push out the air and Mystical Artifacts that produced a strong wind, trying to clear the gas.

They used anything they could to disperse the gas.