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The air was filled with ominous energy as Pearl unleashed the formidable "Storm Surge" spell.

This was the first time she had released this Spell to its maximum capacity, so she was also unsure how this would unfold.

With a commanding gesture, she called upon the tempestuous forces of nature, causing the sky to darken and roil with burgeoning storm clouds.

Then, the Spell Model in her body continued draining her energy!

As she noticed that it had already taken more than 30% of her energy reserves, the atmosphere seemed to shudder with pent-up power.

Suddenly, a blinding bolt of lightning surged from the heavens, followed by a deafening clap of thunder that reverberated through the air.

The tumultuous winds, stirred by Pearl's magic, surged forth with unrelenting force, swirling and converging into a colossal tempest.