New Demon Saints

"I already attracted them?" Vale helplessly smiled as he saw the two Demon Saints emerge from the void. 

They were different from the previous Demon Saints that he had fought and killed.

They looked a lot stronger and more menacing based on their appearance at the very least...

The biggest difference was the fact that they had three horns on their heads, each one larger and sharper than the other.

They wore dark and heavy armor instead of dark robes. Because of that, they looked more like a warrior than a magician. The two of them also had weapons made of bone, and they were both ready to fight!

"An Immortal? Did you slaughter all the vanguards?" One of the Demon Saints, with a long spear as a weapon, asked after examining the situation for a moment. But Vale kept his silence and continued watching them...

He seemed to be inspecting them with his various analytical Spells.