Dimensional Creature

The Dimensional Creature's body was covered with scales and spikes that seemed as hard as the toughest steel and as sharp as blades.

Its tail was long and lethal, tipped with a spike that could pierce through layers of armor and flesh. Its head was horned and fearsome, with a mouth full of jagged fangs that could tear apart anything in its path.

"What in the world?! How is that Creature here already?!"

"This is bad! This Creature had never lurked around the entrance before!"

"We must return immediately! The entrance may close, but we can still open it someday!"

"Master Steins! We have to go!"

"Sir Immortal! It probably sensed your presence and had gone mad! We need to be careful!" Steins said as he could only guess that Vale's presence itself had attracted the Dimensional Creature!

It wasn't that difficult to connect the clues after all!