Helping the Shadow Immortal

As the battle continued between the Immortals and the visitors of Shane's castle, Farah, the Avatar of the Fortune Goddess, sensed the impending danger that threatened the Shadow Immortal.

With multiple powerful entities converging on him simultaneously, she knew she had to intervene to alleviate his plight.

"I must help him…" Farah whispered to herself, her gaze fixed on a hidden base of the Dark Arts Faction. Kyle may be aware of his conflict with the Dark Arts Practitioners, but he wasn't aware of their plans right now.

Within the shadows of the building that Farah was looking at, a group of Dark Ritualists conducted an ominous ritual to summon the Death God, a being of unfathomable darkness and power.

"They might really succeed at this rate…" Farah thought as she actually felt quite worried. Her Avatar wasn't really that strong in combat after all. This Avatar was really just made to bless her followers. It wasn't meant to fight otherwordly beings.