Life Force

The morning after her successful case at Wraithwood Manor, Aubrey Hall awoke to the familiar chime of her alarm, signaling the start of a new day.

After a quick breakfast at the small diner down Lantern Street, known for its hearty meals and robust coffee, she made her way to her office.

The diner owner, Mrs. Jenkins, always had a kind word and a fresh pot of coffee ready for her regulars, and Aubrey appreciated the warm start to her day.

'I guess it won't be a busy day today…' Aubrey thought to herself.

Unfortunately, her office was a hub of activity, with Crystal Messages from potential clients, Spirit Messenger Summons needing responses, and case files to review.

Aubrey's reputation had grown, and with it, the demand for her unique expertise. Well, this was mostly because she was part of the Hall Family…