
"Chad?" Aubrey was stunned as soon as she heard the name of the half-dragon. Chad's appearance does indeed have a semblance to the Chad Bulmung that she knew in the Academy! The student who had disappeared with Lisa!

Nonetheless, as Chad appeared, the Angel that was summoned ignored his warning and raised its sword, light cascading off its blade in waves of holy wrath!


Chad responded by spreading his Draconic Aura wide, creating a protective barrier of Dragonfire springing forth to shield the Elementalists and Aubrey.


The Angel descended with heavenly might, its sword started cleaving from the sky towards Chad.

But with reflexes honed by draconic instinct, Chad parried with his talon-clad forearm, sparks of holy fire scattering upon impact.

Chad may not have the snout, tail, or wings of the Dragons, but he still possessed their eyes, aura, and some dragon scales!