The four Lost Arcane Arts

Vale's Avatar immediately acted as soon as he realized their race…

He could easily tell that they were from the Shadow Race, so he immediately showed his Shadow Divinity and extended his Shadow Essence.

A while ago, he only seemed like a normal Arcanist. However, after removing his concealment and showing himself as a Shadow Immortal, the Shadowed figures immediately felt intimidated.

But this fear from the Shadow Immortal was quickly erased by another form of shadow in their heart!

It turns out that there are more than 300 members of the Shadow Race hiding all this time!

"Do you know them, Sir Vale?" Odessa asked after hearing Vale's reaction.

"Kind of… They're Shadow Sentinels. They came from the Shadow Realm and not this realm, to my knowledge. They must be prisoners… or maybe captured by some Celestial Beings and made them work here as guards." Vale replied.