Asking for Help

There were a total of four Priests, and their leader, a tall priest with a haughty expression, sneered as he looked Aubrey up and down.

"Ho~ What do we have here… A freshly graduated Paranormal Expert?! Hahaha!" The priest's laughter echoed through the square, drawing the attention of the townsfolk.

Aubrey's cheeks flushed with anger, but she kept her composure. "I'm here to help," she said evenly. "The mayor requested my assistance."

The priest waved a dismissive hand. "We don't need the help of an amateur. This is a job for experienced priests, not some novice playing at ghost hunting."

Vale actually found this amusing but he still stepped forward since Aubrey was already fuming in anger. She might start a fight, and that might cause more trouble in her work if she wants to stay as a Paranormal Expert.

"Aubrey is more than capable," Vale said calmly. His voice also carried an undeniable authority so the Priests had to look carefully at the man…