
The pocket watch seemed to be quite mysterious, and he couldn't help but think that it had assisted him during the examination a while ago.

If there was someone who could tell him more about this item, he would certainly want to meet them. Of course, he was also hoping that their professional service wouldn't be so expensive.

Anyway, as he continued to look around, he realized that there were Fortune-tellers scattered along the road as well, with signs inviting patrons to "Discover Your Destiny" or "Peer into the Unknown."

"Whoa~ Are these things real?" Armin hesitated. Certainly, it wasn't impossible that true Seers existed. After all, there were 12 Arcane Paths that deal with various arcane studies, magic, or mysticism.

However, Armin wasn't really sure about how it worked since multiple Arcane Paths had a branch that nurtures Seers. The two most popular were the Holy Seer and the Dark Seer.

As for the ones on the streets, Armin was sure…