Ch. 23 Part 1

Challenge Issued!!!!!!!!

Spend Coins For More Chaps

500 coins = 2 chaps at once

1000 coins = 3 chaps

2000 coins = 4 chaps

The family of four shared their dinner and ate ravishly, leaving Lin Luo and Lin L'ian not having enough because they had to share. After dinner they simple took turns in bathing and learned for half of the night before going to bed. Lin Yu'an laid on the bed as he traced the profile of Yu ger while the other was in deep sleep. He turned on his back and called out the systemic hologram projector as he scroll through.

He opened where the label sated uncompleted tasks. Under it were the tasks he was yet to complete.

Uncompleted Tasks

Train Your First Batch Of Soldiers For Your Underground Army! 20! 1 Year Time Limit! p

[Random Tasks]1. Perform a successful operation on patient.

Reward: 1 prestige point.

Failure: -5 prestige points.