Ch. 28 Part 1

At first light the following morning, Elijah borrowed Aze and a few men from Lin Yu'an to the town to rent a few carriages. With the help of Lin Yu'an's men their goods were sent to their ship at the docks, without wasting anytime Butch set sail with expectations and excitements. Holding the two binoculars Lin Yu'an had gotten for them Butch had a look of certainty of his decision to bet his everything on Lin Yu'an.

Glancing at Matt running beside him and trying to match his pace, Lin Yu'an had an impatient look on his face.

"What are you still doing here?" he asked impatiently coming to a halt.

"Lin Yu'an you're running again this morning?"

"Lin Yu'an..."

"Lin Yu'an...."

"Lin Yu'an...."