Chapter 57 - Chatter And Tea

Being sent off by Margarette and Riley's clone, along with the rest of the congregants, Snow's convoy back to Laria was finally on its way. However, while leaving the city behind in the hands of the clones, everyone who knew about the situation was more than just a bit tense.

"I can always talk to them no matter the distance so don't worry about it," assuring Margarette posing as belladonna, Haruki closed his eyes to see through the eyes of the clones.

On their way back to their castle, the clones were making small talk with each other as well as discussing policies soon to be implemented in the duchy. Thankfully, in the few days Margarette and Riley had spent explaining their roles and responsibility to the them, the clones have gotten much more proficient in pretending to be humans.

"If you say so…" Sitting across Haruki in the moving carriage, Margarette didn't seem too confident in the clone's ability to handle her territory.