Chapter 85 - Confrontations

Knocking on the castle came the holy highness of the capital city. Serena, the all-seeing priestess stood by the gates waiting patiently as a long file of her acolytes stood right behind her. Holding in their hands white flags with golden stripes running down from both sides, they all signified the brilliance of the priestess in service to their loving god.

Opening the castle gate from the inside, a guard stood in front blocking the way forward. However as he realized who he was standing against, his head bowed in shame before setting away from the priestess's path.

"Forgive me, high priestess," he muttered.

While the priestess clad in a heavy white gown said not a word, her follower showered the guard with gazes sharper than daggers. Adjusting her crown resembling the rising sun, she kept walking forward with a pair of servants carrying the tail of her long dress.