Chapter 109 - The Three Monster Queens

Wandering back into the dungeon after so long felt a bit underwhelming to the incubus emperor. Deceived by his own memories, he remembered the place to be much more threatening with a looming sense of someone or something watching his every step.


"Absolute Corruption: Emperor of void!" Activating his newly acquired ability under his system, Haruki conjured up a throwing spear made from darkness itself. "Get down here you nasty bug!"


Throwing the spear at a poisonous spider the same size as him, he pierced through its body and made it shriek out as it died. Once the monster's soul had left the vessel, the weapon created from darkness absorbed the flesh into the void, leaving behind not a single clue of the spider ever existing.


"The skill seems similar to your dark light spell," after assessing the ability, Margarette stepped up beside Haruki to give him her input. "If that's all it can do then,  it's a bit useless don't you think?"