Chapter 119 - Looking Back on the Past - [Part 3]

Haruki's relentless attempts to convince the others to check out the reason for the flaming inferno were met with a beating from his superior and a mocking chuckle from his companions. Even then, as he kept trying to warn his company about the lurking figure in the dark, they were all unfazed, almost as if they knew they had no reason to fear them.


"Mariya, let me go!" Bound to a tree with binds of flame, he kept fidgeting around trying to free himself. "You're a fire mage, right? I'm a flame swordsman too, so I think we both know those flames are unnatural."


"I know," stretching backward, she cracked her spine before looking back down at Haruki. "But honestly, I do not care."


"Why do I expect any better?" Haruki whispered, yet Mariya heard exactly what he'd said.


Getting down to her knees, she made the binds on Haruki's arms tighten up further and then pulled back so he'd suffer even more throughout the night.