Chapter 125 - Celebration And New Beginnings

Gathered around the little girl, the entire castle staff had their eyes fixed on admiring the cutesy girl, rumored to be their master's kid with a wandering merchant named Fay Rue. And while the rumor brought many problems with it, it was still better to keep the fact that Haruki could reincarnate people a secret.


"Awww, look at her cheeks so fluffy!" Said the demi-human cat maid, Sam.


Even though he had known her since moving into the caste, for some reason having the girl surrounded by people had his heart racing an uncertain rhythm.


'They've just been playing with her for an hour now.' Standing by the door, Haruki had watched them all enter one after the other to get a look at their master's child, and then with great contentment played with the sleeping beauty for about an hour.


"Look! Look! Her hair is glowing again!" Added a demi-dog girl with her tail happily wagging side by side.