Chapter 128 - Final Preparations And The King's Messenger

It had been a few days after Haruki visited Rose in the thawed spring, and wherever he turned, only grim news awaited him. At first, it had been the riots in Daria that followed its merger with Larian land, and now the news of a messenger making his way to the Frost castle.


'I need more time to convert Darian's into demons or else my plans will need a major overhaul.' Depending heavily on the Darian alliance, Haruki was stuck dealing with a dilemma. 'Those bastards never bat an eye when the corrupt royals took their lands or exploited them with taxes, but now all of a sudden they wanna revolt against the phoenix?'


With Margarette left to deal with the situation in Daria, no one around Haruki was qualified to help him make major political decisions.