Chapter 168 - The True Face Of A Monster

After Michael's abrupt return inside the emperor's domain, the emperor himself was left baffled by the whole ordeal. Time was one of the few aspects of life that he had little command over, and the man he'd depended on for some control over it, was now ridden to the bed in a sickly old body.

"He hasn't spoken a word since waking up," Razor explained, leading the way through the camps.

Cloaked in an old dark rag, the emperor followed him through a horde of soldiers looking at him in utter shock. And even though his body was completely covered by the cloth, there was no doubt in their minds about who he was.

"Why is the land all muddy?" Getting his foot stuck in a swampy puddle, the emperor turned to the sound of a cannon shell being fired by the border.

Edging over the land between Atlas, and Scorchen Gaia, they were in a neutral swamp that divided the lush human land and the malice-ridden territory of the demon lords with ashes raining down the heavens.