Chapter 172 - Death Embraces All

The search for demons was in full swing now that the emperor had declared handsome prizes for any who could bring him the head of demons residing within the Marquis kingdom. And even then, the head of demons living in Laria was said to be most desired as the former duke's identity was now confirmed to be the root of all problems.


Yet as an army of prospecting adventurers came storming into the duchy, they saw nothing but abandoned buildings and rotting goods laid out in front of roadside shops. The parties of adventurers kept wandering around the cities trying to find anyone who could be taken for a demon, but no matter where they looked, only disappointment found them on every end.


"Let's head to the castle, what do you say?" Followed by a pair of female archers and a mage, the only male swordsman of the group decided to take his group to the castle.