Chapter 178 - The OtherWorld

It was the very first time that Moriyana had forced her way into Asmodia's prison instead of forcing her way out of it. Which had consequences, some more severe than the others, but, for the elves and the demi-cat it was even worse than what she had to go through.


"Dear lord…of Darkness," Knowing her mother was always listening, Moriyana corrected her tone as she leaned over to the shallow liquid to pick up a ball of flesh. "Shit, I forgot that only demons can come and go so easily."


Moving the ball in front of her eyes, she saw a muddled mess of the elves and demi-cats squeezed into a small pile of flesh. The portal to their way here had shrunk them down, but unlike demons who could easily change their forms, they were left stuck as a marble until they exited the otherworld.