Chapter 194 - The Start Of A Great Collapse

Winter was never pleasant in Dolatia. The crowded streets never gave way, and the mud dragged everywhere even through the city centers. Yet, topped with large hats that drained the waters away from their bodies, the elites dragged their slaves through the mud while their own bodies never knew a drop of wetness.


'Hive mind!' Dashing between the cramped spaces between the tall building, Haruki, cloaked in a clock of dark to repel the heavy downpour, was making his way planting the seeds of the chaos soon about to ensue.


'Asuka, Athena, and Alice, are you guys ready yet?' Connected telepathically through the hive mind ability, Haruki was trying to converse with his companions despite being far away from them.


'We're here, Moriyana's ready too.' Hearing the reply from Asuka, Haruki created multiple clones of himself and turned them into different demi-humans that he'd slept with while first turning the Marquis kingdom into his territory.