Chapter 206 - Almuld’s Demise

Holding in his hands a lone sword of pure light, the emperor stood in front of the rotting carcass of Almuld, the renowned warlock. Surrounded by only a few of his remaining men, the emperor had been standing in front of the undead's body for more than a full day at this point. His men, one of which happened to be the southern war general Razor, were perplexed by his limbo, and yet no matter what they tried the emperor wouldn't respond or even hum out an answer to anything.


"My lord, we must get back to your domain, the army has already ceased this territory, and rumors about a rebellion amongst Dolatians needs to be addressed as well," Riley informed, but the emperor kept staring at Almuld's body as it continued to rust away into dust before being dissipated into the air.


"I killed him, didn't I?" Finally, as the body of Almuld disappeared completely, the emperor turned to his men with his eyes tearing up with blood.