Chapter 254 - A Jump To The Fight

Not long after receiving the news about Melicia, the remaining preparations for the Colosseum were expedited thanks to Asmodia's time magic. Now that it was time for the battle to begin, Haruki was all the way in a prep room with some of his companions circling around him. Having sensed the dissolution of the dragon scale, Klein had sent Rose to check on Haruki, which she would've done regardless since the news of the battle was being pipered far and wide.


"So the day really came huh?" Rose muttered, looking down at Haruki sitting in a chair.


"What day?" He asked.


"The day you'd do something dumb enough to die," she replied truthfully despite Tiara and Doroke riding on her shoulders.


"Mother," shooting a sharp sideways glance, Hawthorn didn't seem too fond of his mother's tone. "Maybe we shouldn't be talking like this in front of his daughter don't you think?"