Chapter 272 – Waking and Waning

Hestemia, the fourth kingdom and the very last before the emperor's domain had finally fallen to the persistent retaliation from the demonic armies. Spread out thin, the emperor's war generals were too occupied on their fronts to fight against the parasitic demon population that had continued to grow inside the duchies, cities, and kingdoms.


Floating above a ruin of a city, Margarette looked on at the expansive army of demons she had led against the kingdom of Hestemia. Mixed amongst the lust demons, were plenty of helpers from the other demon lords, and ever so often one of the demon lords would teleport into the place to help direct the armies alongside Margarette and the others.


"I heard you got a new title?" Looming above the burning watchtowers, Merciella seemed curious about a title Margarette had acquired today.