Chapter 315 - Crumble

"God-tier summon: Archangel!" Following Michael's words, a tear between realms appeared in the sky above the Forest.

Peering in through the gap, an eyeball emitted light brighter than the sun, blinding any and all who dared inspect the Archangel with their own eyes. Shielding their eyes with tinted visors, the human adventurers along with Razor made great use of this opportunity to sneak into the demonic camps.

Blinded completely and even groaning on the ground from the effect of the holy light, not only were the demons hurt but their skins were burning like charcoal. The only problem they were to run into was in case the demons hiding inside the tents decided to come out with some sort of protection against the holy light.

"The cage quick!" Seeing how the demons were burning up alive, Razor made haste towards Greta's cage so she could be kidnapped before being burned to a crisp by the light.