Tuesday 11th October

Let's just say she purposely skipped yesterday's journal entry (she told herself repeatedly she'd do it yet in the end she fell asleep before opening it). The day had practically just begun, but she was sitting in her math classroom wishing that quadratic equations wouldn't appear on the next unit test. Although it most likely would be due to their math/physics-driven teacher, neither subject did she enjoy. 

With that thought he spoke in a clear, authoritative voice, "Everyone, I'd like you to pay attention to this because I do not think it'll be on the formula sheet." In disbelief, she flipped her computer open quite aggressively and opened a new web page to check whether he was right. To her mercy he wasn't, there on one of the pages stood the quadratic equation she so blatantly hated. She showed her friend next to her who in turn raised her hand to state the correction. "Yes?" 

"It's actually on the formula sheet," She nodded her head before giving thumbs back at Zahra, in return, Zahrah smiled. A beautiful almost fictional smile, her friend immediately pouted before she whispered. "You're adorable, aw, look at you!" 

Zahrah giggled, trying to hold back the faint blush that almost formed on her face. She and her friends could not stop flirting with each other, at some point she was ready to believe that she could never flirt with a guy the way she does with her friends. "Oh my goodness, Emma, stop that." She pushed her friend playfully as their teacher looked at them - disapprovingly. 

As the lesson went on so did the girls' bickering and unreasonable comments on life and their choices. Quite a routine it had become for them, they loved to just step back and admire what was going on, from being at home to large parties with people they'd never met. It was all a part of their lives. All a part of Zahrah's life. Crazy isn't it? 

She tucked hair behind both ears as their teacher waved goodbye and urged them to leave so he could go and pick up his daughter earlier from preschool. His daughter was around six years old and quite the diva, she had big green eyes and subtle brown hair like her father. Even though in the beginning she appears to be shy once you get to know her, it's as if she was a completely different person.

Fascinating how we human being change based on our surroundings, especially around different people. Zahrah and Emma hurried downstairs to where the rest of her massive friend group was, she'd always grin at how many they were. From day one when she started elementary and then middle school her friend group never passed six people but now, now she has a friend group of well over ten people which to her often feels offbeat. 

Before they were that many she only had Emma and a couple of other friends yet they were quite distant once the two groups merged it was as if everyone took a step forward. One step closer to getting to know one another, one step closer to possibly becoming closer friends, and one step closer to becoming more than friends. More than friends? She peered down the hallway, lost in her trail of thought - a silly thought at that. 

"Shall we grab lunch now?" One of the guys asked, he was quite tall, definitely above average height, and possibly good-looking..? No, that's not the word she was looking for, the way down to their lunchroom was smooth, and bathrooms stood right before where the food was being served. She quickly washed her hands and fell back into the line that dispersed after the serving area, during all this commotion Emma managed to sneak into line next to Zahrah. Charming, that's the word she was look for, not good-looking. 

Conversations echoed as Zahrah placed food onto her plate before entering the seating area, the school food was bland - like always - so she poured a threatening amount of pepper before grabbing a glass of water. Once she had finished that she filled her glass with cold water. Zahrah made her way to the table where some of her friends were already sitting at. Putting her food and water down first she looked around in hope that the remaining member of their group would have a seat but they were still grabbing forks and knives. 

"Okay, okay, so what do you guys think of the school so far?" One of them asked, she was visually taller than Zahrah, a kind but brave at heart. She did look intimidating but once you got to know her, damn was she one of a kind. In the very beginning, around August she hung out with another group of friends, but over time she and Zahrah grew closer and she switched friend groups.

It was almost as if those two were bound to meet each other. As if fate twisted their strings and braided it together, maybe french-style, maybe just a simple one but nonetheless it brought them together and that was more than enough for the both of them. "Honestly, its alright, I didn't know what to expect," another one of the guys laughed. He was tall with large observing eyes he'd claim that they're green but they seemed more grey than green. His mud-brown hair tucked behind his ears as words continued spilling. "It obviously could be better, but I mean I'm quite happy here." 

A small round of nods fluttered through the group as he asked her what her opinion was on the high school. "Decent," she hitched a look at Zahrah, a smile bloomed on her face as Zahrah gently but quite obviously rolled her eyes in response. 

"Pfff, you've got to explain your reasons, Suze," Zahrah chuckled before looking up and smirking. "How else do you expect that A-level response?" She earned small laughs and tiny smiles from everyone before her friend spoke once more. 

"Fine, it's decent because I thought it was going to be a lot worse," she glanced around before throwing the question at Zahrah. "What do you think then, Zee? How's the school in your opinion?" At this point everyone was quiet and now waiting for her to answer. 

"Oh the school's alright, I kind of agree, y'know didn't really know what to expect walking down those front doors, heh," she flashed an uncertain smile, her eyes darting to every face watching her. "Although it is pretty nice, I thought it would be a lot more harder to fit in..?" Her answer turned into a question, she frowned, the right word had slipped her mind right before she finished talking. 

"Yes," some said dragging out the s purposely, her friend group never lacked at keeping the conversation moving, they all spoke and agreed as if they were all living on the same brainwave, well almost as if they were. Even if there was smaller conversations happening or someone was hugging someone else, there would be something constantly happening that would get the group talking (even if it was the most simplest, normal thing). 

The guy that asked about lunch had finally appeared in Zahrah's sight. She could finally agree with herself, he was indeed charming... okay maybe a bit good-looking too, but only just a bit. He had delicate blue eyes, as a-matter-o-factly she shouldn't even be staring at them, they were quite distracting though, the eyes not the guy, obviously.

He then looked at her, like looked-looked at her for a split second. She snapped out of her little thinking session once more, even more embarrassed after realizing she had been staring at him, although that didn't seem to bother him in the slightest. His eyes watched her eyes fall back onto his once she recollected herself and then he smiled. 

Oh god, he smiled at her.

And, oh what a beautiful smile it was...