Lily White

The Castle of the Kingdom of Weiss, 1811.

"Felix, do be a dear and fetch me a cup of water will you?"

"Yes, Your Highness", replied the servant boy who looked no older than ten years old.

Princess Elesha the second daughter of King Theodore and Queen Matilda was agonizingly trying her best not to let her sweaty palms ruin her painting. She so wished to be a real artist but as she grasped for that dream like a drowning sailor for air it gently evaded her grasp and soon she began to feel as though she were drowning with responsibilities that were not hers entirely but her beloved sister's. Then again she loved her dear sister to bits and understood her predicament even if she felt the way things were going that life was dealing her a most unfair hand at the game of being happy and finding true contentment.

She was painting a bouquet of white lilies while the flowers stood gracefully in a gleaming glass vase under the sun as though coaxing her to cheer up. She felt as though all her efforts were futile as her painting seemingly resembled wild grown mushrooms that could be found in the woods more than her elegant white lilies. She released a sigh of frustration and picked up her brush to finish the painting; after all there was no use in leaving it half done. At that moment a cry caught her attention and she looked up to see her sister running towards her with tears streaming down her face.

"Elesha I can't do it and I will not go through with it, please help me!"

She got down on her knees and buried her face in Elesha's hands sobbing after hearing her father's news.

"What's wrong Estella tell me, and stop crying you're being overly dramatic," said Elesha gently bending down so she was face to face with her sister.

"They're making me marry him, Elesha that monster that has been killing our people slowly but surely!" "That bloodthirsty bastard!" She spat out looking disgusted and completely annoyed with Elesha.

"Explain yourself dear, who is making you marry whom?" Princess Elesha asked calmly.

"Father wants me to marry the King of Rubicund! Mother agrees as usual right along with him. They want my engagement to Gerald nullified. They mean to separate us even though they promised me that I could marry whomever I wished to!"

"I'm sure there must be some mistake, Estella all this will be sorted out soon you'll see," replied Princess Elesha.

"The only solution I can see is you my dearest sweet sister, you are my only saviour. If you offer to take my place in the engagement, I shall be eternally grateful to you. There is nothing I wouldn't do to be there for you, Elesha. You know me, don't you?"

"That I do, but I don't understand why I should have to marry him?"

"He wants to marry a member of the royal family to end the war between our two nations so you will be saving us all Elesha think about it please? Will you speak to father and convince him to change his mind?"

"I don't know Estella, give me some time I will speak to him tomorrow morning, it's too late now."

"Very well, take the time you need but say something soon. Father is after me I swear and he is already seeing to it that I stay away from Gerald."

"Tomorrow morning then, but you must be present at the table Estella. I shall bring it up at breakfast" confirmed Princess Elesha.

"Thank you Elesha, thank you!" cried Estella throwing her arms around her sister and giving her a hug.

"All of you, are all I have," said Elesha returning her sisters hug.

"Oh Elesha I shall sleep peacefully tonight then, if you ever need any help at all anything you must let me know, I'll be there."

"I'll let you know," replied Elesha.

"Is it true that he is as they say he is a bloodthirsty monster?" Princess Elesha asked nervously looking at her sister.

"I honestly don't know Elesha, I've never met him before. They say he is old but I don't know how old."

"We best return to our rooms before dinner," quipped Estella.

They watched the last rays of the Sun disappear on the horizon on the west side of the castle, leaving the sky in streaks of purple, pink, yellow, orange and blue. Tomorrow would be the day, Princess Elesha would offer to take her sister's place. She wondered what he was like, if a heart beat inside a man of ferocity and ruthlessness.' She had heard stories that he was deadly in battle and killed mercilessly. The King of Rubicund was certainly not a young lad and could she marry and live with someone like that who was much older than her for the sake of her family and her country? These thoughts swirled inside her head as she prepared herself for bed that night alone in her room where she would kneel and pray.

"Dear God give me strength and help me face my enemy with grace and let me not put my family to shame. Guide me with your righteous hand and hold me in your arms of love that I may win my enemies over and make new friends." Princess Elesha soon tucked herself into bed and blew out the candles on her nightstand.