Delightful Desire

It was once she reached her chambers that Queen Elesha wished she could spend more time with King Hans. She got ready for bed that night, had her bath, slipped on her night gown and tucked herself comfortably beneath the thick fur blanket on top of her bed. They would soon be in winter, and as she blew out the candle lights in her room, the temperature dropped and her room would have been enveloped in the cold if it was not for the fire that was burning heartily in the fireplace.

Hours passed and Elesha tossed and turned in vain, she could not sleep. She got up and was about to turn the handle of her door to leave her room, when a figure reached out and clasped her hands. King Hans stepped through the doorway,

"where are you trying to go off to my queen?"

He asked kissing her hands.

"I was going to go to the library, to check if you would still be awake." She answered truthfully.

"Well I'm here, what do you suppose we should do?"

He asked her teasingly.

"Why don't you lie down and I'll rub some oils on your back, you've probably been in the same position for far too long."

"I like that," he said taking off his shirt and lying on her bed with his back exposed to her.

She pulled out her collection of oils and proceeded to mix different oils together to create a relaxing concoction for his stiff back.

"Darling, wife ?....."

"Hmm..." she replied

"This probably not the best time to bring it up but I had no other time available to tell you that, my half brother has run away with my concubine."

"Does she carry a child?"

"Yes," he replied.

"Yours or his?" She prodded further, suddenly alert at what this could possibly mean.

"The child is his, my brother has a way of breaking this news all through a letter, I'm not sure if I should kill him or congratulate him for impregnating her under the guise of my name."

Queen Elesha breathed a sigh of relief at this new development, she didn't know she had been holding her breath but as she processed what her husband had made known to her. She wondered if he had taken any other lovers prior to their marriage.

"You're silent, my dear? What's on your mind?"

"Were there any others?" She asked suddenly not thinking it through.

"Others?" He questioned puzzled for a moment at what she meant.

"Lovers, My King were there others you took as lovers?" She asked this time with clarity.

"Yes there were, but none that bore me any children, if you must know." He replied softly.

"Why have you not consummated our marriage?"

He stiffened under her touch, he got up from her bed and turned around to face her.

"I was aware that I am the first man you have encountered to be known intimately, I didn't wish to push my way on you, if you were any other woman I would not have hesitated."

"Does that mean that I do not please you my King," she asked him teasingly.

"No sweetheart, it means that I will claim you as mine when you are ready."

"Why not now?" She asked the words forbiddenly coming softly from her lips.

He took her in his arms and laid her gently on the bed, he slowly took his time undressing her. He took of his clothes and got into bed with her. He started kissing her lovely face starting with her forehead, her eyes, her nose and he took his time kissing her lips. Capturing her mouth in a long deep kiss as if to tell her not to worry that he loved her and wanted her to feel it. He kept kissing her gradually going all the way down to her feet. Desire coursed through her veins and pooled in the center of her core.

King Hans made love to his queen that night and Elesha became his wife. As their bodies joined in heated pleasure, Queen Elesha felt she had won a battle in her mind that she had long since plagued her since she had arrived at the Kingdom of Rubicund. She had felt unworthy of this man and it had plagued her to know that he fancied her sister. It was delightful to be desired and to feel desire and love for a man who was once an enemy and now a husband and hers in every sense of the word.

The Sun rose slowly over the horizon and it's warm rays cast it's touch over husband and wife as they were fast asleep in the Queen's chambers.

"Hans, wake up love.."whispered Queen Elesha as she shook his shoulders to wake him.

"Why now?" He asked her drowsy with sleep. He could hardly keep his eyes open.

"What time must you be at court?" asked Queen Elesha worried that he would appear late before court.

"Afternoon, my wife let me sleep in peace," he told her before falling asleep once more.

Queen Elesha wasted no time she quickly ran to the bathroom and took a hot bath, and put on her royal robes. She thought it best to appear, before a crowd could gather at court even if the King were still absent, he could rest in her chambers.

Bea her ladies maid assisted her with styling her hair in the latest style. She had it partially pinned up with white roses and half of it was left loose to fall down her back. She wore the crown jewels which were a heavy ruby and diamond necklace, a tiara, and a pair of matching earrings. She slipped on her shoes and went straight to the dining hall where she ate her food. Not even stopping to taste the food she swallowed and quickly got up to leave. The announcement rang across the great ballroom where members of the court were gathered, thank God there were but a handful of them present.

"Her Majesty Queen Elesha Annette Wright, of the Kingdom of Rubicund," was the announcement before she went through the double doors of the ballroom.