Deadly Intentions

As the Sun set, Lady Clara spoke to the guard on duty that was outside her door.

" May I take a breath of fresh air on the roof, if not I worry I shall become quite faint." 

"Very well but you will be escorted upstairs, I can't let you go up alone," he said unlocking her door. She was escorted by two guards as she climbed the flight of stairs that led to the roof of the tower. The guard unlocked the door and she was shoved through it, with the door closed behind her. The view on top of the tower was a magnificent one as she saw the hills at a distance and last rays of the Sun fading in between them. Lady Clara soon realised she was not alone as she turned around she saw a cloaked figure standing not too far away from her. 

"You're here at last I was worried for a moment you would not have the guts to come up here," said the cloaked figure.