Evil Progenitor

Vampiric World. 3409. Progenitor Calendar.

The vast battlefield stretched for kilometers, filled with corpses of both vampires and humans, some intact and others severed or decapitated.

The air reeked of iron and blood, as large black birds perched on the corpses, feasting on their flesh.

Amidst the pile of bodies stood a figure with bat wings protruding from his back, clutching something that resembled a weakly beating heart.

"Sigh, I warned you that war wasn't the only solution. Now look at the aftermath of the conflict you so desperately desired. Tell me, with both races almost wiped out, who will rule this world?" the figure spoke, applying pressure to the hand holding the heart, causing it to shatter into fleshy sections and blood to spill out.

Damon Von Griffith, the lone heir of the Evil Progenitor bloodline and the youngest child of Vampire Lord Dulvan Von Griffith, stood atop the pile of corpses.

Haunted by memories of the bloodline's original owner, Damon fled his home when his siblings pursued him. He grew up among humans, witnessing their suffering at the hands of his own race, which led him to understand the reasons behind the evil progenitor's actions that ended his life.

He became more powerful by exploiting others.

However, when war broke out between the humans and vampires, Damon was compelled to intervene, slaying soldiers from both sides who partook in the conflict.

"Sigh, the strong never remain idle, for they are aware of their abilities that have saved them from certain death in the past. The weak, who have not faced near-death experiences, will always remain timid and afraid of death, and the world will remain quiet," Damon contemplated to himself.

With a grin revealing his vampire fangs, he stood upon the mound of corpses, gazing at the blood moon hanging in the sky.

"Now that my duty as the heir of the Evil Progenitor bloodline is fulfilled, I can spend the rest of my life with beautiful women. Fighting is such a bother," he muttered.

A sudden sharp pain interrupted his words, causing the inheritor of the Evil Progenitor bloodline to falter.

Damon turned around, blood trickling from his mouth, and saw someone he hadn't expected to encounter.

"Lilian! Why?" he asked, pained and bewildered.

Standing behind him was a woman with long white hair and sparkling crimson eyes—a vampire of royal lineage.

Lilian, Damon's older sister, was the only one who had shown him love during his imprisonment in the royal castle.

"I have to... *sniff. If I don't, you will end up destroying the entire Vampiric World... *sniff. The Evil Progenitor bloodline doesn't seek to eliminate just the strong; he desires to be the sole being on Earth," she said, tears welling up in her eyes, trembling as she held the sword that had pierced through his heart.

Damon's eyes widened in disbelief. He never expected to die so abruptly, especially at the hands of the only person he considered family.

"Please die!" she yelled, withdrawing the sword from his stomach.

Blood gushed forth like a fountain.

Damon knelt upon the mound of corpses, his body beginning to descend down the pile.

All he had desired was pleasure and death, but who could have imagined he would perish immediately after achieving his bloodline's goals?

In the vampire world, his eyes lost their strength and closed forever.


 "He passed away after catching sight of my nakedness such an innocent virgin," a seductive feminine voice penetrated Damon's ears.

'Who is speaking? Why am I hearing multiple voices? Are these the voices of the people I've killed tormenting me in the afterlife?' he questioned himself.

"What a great loss it is. I had prepared to absorb all his gene points and enjoy his huge rod inside, but he lost them after glimpsing my nudity. Now I won't be able to acquire any," the same voice continued.

'Gene points? He died because he saw a woman naked.'

Driven by curiosity, Damon forced his eyelids open and was greeted by a new world.

It was a beautiful white room with a delightful, arousing scent. There was a bed adorned with red petals, and, most surprisingly, a woman.

Not just any woman, but an alluring one, clad in a translucent nightgown that revealed her flawless, pale skin underneath, paired with a seductive bikini.

Her damp red hair cascaded down her bare back, and she had her face turned away from him, smoke wafting from her mouth.

Damon, who was supposed to be "dead," found everything in this setting strange.

"Is this the work of the gods? Am I experiencing reincarnation or receiving a reward for my last wishes after death?" he pondered.

"He is the only virgin with so many gene points. I wonder how he obtained them without losing his virginity. He is quite feeble; there's no way he could have amassed that many gene points by killing others, despite the information connecting him to the DeathRoad Villain group," another feminine voice entered his ear, this time emanating from an unusual rectangular glass-like device in her hands.

"Sigh, but he had an impressive appendage."

— "Scarlet, don't be so upset. I'm sure you'll find someone with an even larger appendage. I'm ending the call now; a dragon has just awakened."

"Good for you." She hung up and let out a deep sigh.

Damon sat on the bed, his expression devoid of emotion. Everything around him felt unfamiliar.

They mentioned gene points.

The weak villain, a virgin with a significant appendage, who died after seeing her nakedness.

And the talking glass device.

No matter how he contemplated it, he was the only person in this room, and everything the woman had been saying seemed to be referring to him.

"Hey," he decided to make his presence known.

As soon as he spoke, he heard his own voice, which sounded different.

Scarlet tilted her head back, displaying a horrified expression on her face.