Rare Gene

He told Milky everything that happened on his date with Scarlett, and he also told him about the tower that will appear soon.

Just as expected, Milky was thrown off balance and his blood boiled with excitement.

Taking advantage of the situation, Ethan brought up his present problem with gene point deficiency.

It turns out that his perception of the gene point was incorrect.

Even when using this world's memories, Ethan still had a flaw because he rarely used his gene points because he never had the opportunity to do so.

Just like mana in his former life, a magician can store as much mana as they like in their system, but without the correct spells, the mana is useless.

Once you get gene points, they are not permanent. They are the fuels that allow you to use your abilities, and with a good grasp of these gene points, you can evolve your body like Vile Mommy, who made his body impenetrable by amassing gene points from zombies he encountered in a dungeon.

What did he expect when the word gene was mentioned? It implies that there will be all kinds of hybridization, especially because there are millions of species waiting to be discovered and conquered in those dungeons.

Back in the present, Ethan requested a pass to enter a dungeon, most likely a low one with creatures of his level, in order to earn enough gene points and increase his talents.

"Ethan, of all people, you should know that won't be possible." Milky spoke softly as he poured red liquid into a wine glass.

"Villains are not permitted to enter authorized dungeons, and 99% of all dungeons that have ever appeared have been registered with superhero leagues." Milky went on to explain.

Ethan paused for a moment before responding.

"Sorry for bothering you, but I guess I'll have to rely on hunting humans with gene points for the time being. I'm sure there will be plenty of opportunities to explore dungoens after I strengthen my relationship with the red hero family."

The reason Ethan is said to as the world's weakest villain is because he is only a villain by name and has never killed anyone in his life.

He was labelled a villain after fleeing a hero family with vital information.

Members of the DeathRoad Group emerged on the day he was set to be executed, causing a bloodbath before rescuing Ethan.

This small deed marked him as a villain; everyone associated with DeathRoad is a villain (especially the psychopathic ones), but Ethan was the only one who did not have a blood stain beneath his name.

For the time being, no one is aware of his vampire abilities or the fact that he has slain several young females in the bunker after draining their blood.

His strategy is slightly flawed because the person he is targeting is none other than the daughter of one of the world's most righteous superheroes.

DeathRoad, on the other hand, trusts his judgment; his strategy is well-known for producing miracles.

"In fact, that is one of the primary reasons we launched this mission in the first place. But this is small in comparison to the main one, which I can't tell you about right now."

"I have a question though, how is it even possible to absorb the gene points of the person I kill, I expected a little gain of gene points from those ladies but as it turns out there was actually none coming from them, given that this would be my first take on this method, I'd like to ask the masters."

"You simply killed them to quench your vampire thirst; it's a different story if you're killing them for the gene points, and those young ladies barely had any gene points in them."

"If they had, would I harvest it after killing them?"

He is new to everything; even Ethan, as clever as he was, couldn't figure out what was going on. As a result, he took advantage of the chance to inquire about all he needed to know.

"No, you're a vampire, and sucking their blood only satisfies your thirst." It's the same as eating for humans. Actually, I can't come to any conclusions because your skill is rare; you unlocked a rare gene that has been absent from this world for generations."

He went on to elaborate a little after that statement, he made certain that all of Ethan's queries were answered in the simplest way possible.

"Ethan, I want you to be cautious around those ladies; it wasn't my idea to get you involved with them in the first place; it was all orders from the boss, and I'm solely just following simple orders."

"Don't worry, General Milky; they may be superheroes by title, but they are also human by nature. They have needs and desires, and I need those two to break them mentally before physically breaking them if necessary." Ethan smiled in response.

His last wish in his past life was to live an enjoyable life with beauties.

His request was realized, but the beauties can only be gained with tenacity and strength.

Those are only stumbling blocks to keep him away from the ladies.

And he will not, under any circumstances, change his mind. He won't waste time giving them the dick and bending them through his dick as long as they have all he needs!


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