
Rosey sat on the bed checking a map that one of her colleague in the research department of golden blaze superhero society sent to her.

She zoomed in on the map in her tab and pondered for a few seconds before dropping the tab, she opened her laptop and typed in a few passwords on several application and a full detailed imagine of the map was showcased.

As she was about to work more on it, her Generoid vibrated, someone was calling her.

She frowned and sneaked a peek at the called and it was no other than Jaden Owen. The guy she was engaged to at a very young age.

Although they were engaged, they hardly meant with each other and hardly call Sometimes because Rosey was always busy going on travel missions all around the world.

Her father might have informed Jaden of her arrival and the dude won't stop pestering her life with phone calls asking to see her.

She let out a long breath, kept a straight face and then picked the call.

She connected the phone with her headset so she could keep on working.

- "This is the seventh time I'm calling you today, why do you insist to always ignore my calls?"

"I told you stop disturbing me!" She answered in an annoyed tone, she wasn't even trying to hide how annoyed she was with his voice.

- "Calm down now Rosey. we have a date tomorrow. If you want me to call off the engagement then come with a man more handsome and better than I'm, only then would i call off the engagement."

Rosey was surprised with his words, However she is aware that there is no man in her life that she shares a relationship more than colleagues with. Infact most times she preferred working with her gender just to avoid getting disturbed by the guys trying to woo her.

- "So what's your reply going to be, deal or no deal? If you miss this opportunity then be happy to spend the rest of your life with me, hehe."

Rosey gritted her teeth and replied "Deal. Send me the location and the time."

After replying she held the call and let out a long sigh.

'Damn Jaden, what did father see in him to initiate an engagement between both of us in the first place. He is nothing more than a spoilt bastard who depends on his family status and wealth to get whatever he wants' She thought to herself with a pained expression on her face.

She scrolled through her phone searching for the contact of any guy she could use to act as her boyfriend for tomorrow but she found none.

Desperate for one, she downloaded a dating application on her laptop and scrolled through the men available but she gave up almost immediately.

She layed on her bed with her left hand over her head, her chest heaved up and down slowly each time she inhale and exhale deeply.

She ran through different ideas in her head but then she finally arrived at one.


Ethan reached his new place which was just three buildings away from the tea shop he sat when waiting for Scarlett to send a car few days ago.

The building wasn't that elaborate but it has everything he needed including a spare room that has a security only him could access.

The house was two storeys, the lower story comprised on a fairly large sitting room, a study room and one bedroom while the upper floor only has two rooms and the rest of it was vacant.

The house was painted in white and the outside has a small garden with beautiful flowers.

Ethan went to his bedroom and found out something was missing. His wardrobe was empty which means the only clothes he possses are the ones he is wearing right now.

'I need to get more clothes, my other clothes are stained with blood.' Ethan thought to himself with a sigh.

He walked out of his small house and was about walking down to a big boutique several meters away from his house.

He wore the same hood he wore to the tea shop back then and a nose mask. His hair was slightly revealed as well.

When he made a turn, he bumped into someone holding a bag containing dried and fresh tea leaves seperated in packs.

Luckily he was able to catch the lady before she fell on the ground, however she had already let go of the bags holding the tea leaves and all the contents spilled on the floor.

The lady looked at Ethan's face and she felt that his face was bit familiar then she recalled the rich guy that arrived at her roadside tea shop the other day.

"S_sorry.." she stuttered.

Ethan helped her up but he didn't say anything to her and kept walking.

She looked at Ethan back as he left, she stood dazed for a few moments before gaining back her composure.

'He lives around here, this is my chance, I won't let it go just like that.' She asssured herself before her eyes swept onto her tea leaves she has tossed on the ground while falling.

She sighed in disappointment and picked the ones that still remained in packs.

Meanwhile, Ethan walked into C&O boutique which is quite popular in golden blaze city.

He was welcomed warmly inside and a lady volunteered to assist him finding what he liked in there.

Ethan didn't reject her offer, he asked her to take him to the section with hoodies first.

As he was selecting the ones he liked, the big TV in the boutique suddenly glitched and a breaking news was aired.

⟨Several burnt corpse and cars found in an isolated area in front of an unregistered building which is believed to be the hideout of the DeathRoad villains, the corpse and cars were identitied by the hero cop department as the troop sent to investigate the house, although there is no proof it's the DeathRoad, all civilians are asked to stay away from area....⟩

Under that, an alert was scrolling under that red «Unrecognized couples found burnt during lovemaking»


Just 2 Powerstones left for the bonus 1 chapter